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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Scientist resigns due to lack of social distance... amazon news update amazon

Scientist resigns due to lack of social distance

A senior British scientist who suggested a lockdown to the country's authorities has resigned over a breach of the social distance law.

Professor Neil Ferguson was part of the British government's advisory team proposing measures against the coronavirus, according to AFP.

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Neil Ferguson resigned after the media reported that he had allowed a woman to come to his home in violation of the social distance law.

Announcing his resignation, Neil Ferguson said: "I admit I did something wrong. I am deeply saddened that

 I have neglected the need for social distance to control this devastating epidemic.

A government spokesman has confirmed that Neil Ferguson has resigned from the UK's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.

The United Kingdom is the second most affected country by the coronavirus.

The virus has killed more than 32,000 people in the country so far and there has been a severe lockdown since the end of March.

Neil Ferguson and colleagues at Imperial College London said the virus could spread rapidly if drastic measures were not taken, prompting the government to tighten lockdowns and security measures.

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported that a woman had twice visited the home of London scientist Neil Ferguson during a lockdown.

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