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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Corona Virus: 3 states in US lockdown announced

Corona Virus: 3 states in US lockdown announced
crona virus

US President Donald Trump announces softening in Lock Dawn of 3 states Said there was a mistake on Corona from China so there is nothing we can do about it,

China will know that if something is done intentionally, it will suffer.”Coroner of
 the White House this Virus Task Forces..

Dr. Deborah Berks, has said that China has to be transparent about Corona. China should have shared the Corona virus data.

 It is believed that the US is the most affected by the Corona virus in the world, where the death toll from the Corona virus has increased to 39,000 while the number of victims is more than 7,38,000. Is. More than 68,000 people in the United States have defeated the Corona virus.

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