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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Rise in deaths, use of malaria drug chloroquine on corona patients stopped in Pakistan... amazon amazon updates

LAHORE: The use of chloroquine, a drug used to prevent and treat malaria, has been discontinued in Corona patients, an advisory group member said.

According to the details, Corona Expert Advisory Group has decided to immediately stop the use of Coroquine, an anti-malarial drug on patients with Corona. To put

Professor Saqib said that chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine is causing the irregular heartbeat. In the first study, the use of chloroquine had beneficial effects.

On the other hand, a meeting of the Corona Expert Advisory Group will be held today, in which the final decision on cohort patients' home isolation will be made. Will not be found

The advisory group member had said that patients with home isolation would be geo-tagged through the application, adding that 80 percent of Corona patients did not need treatment while 3 out of 100 people needed to go to the ventilator.

Saqib Saeed said that for isolation, it is necessary to have a separate room, attic bathroom, and caretaker in the house. The home administration and district health will inspect the house before insulation. I need to log in.

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