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Saturday, May 16, 2020

India has overtaken China in Corona cases

Cases of coronavirus are increasing rapidly in India and therefore the total number of cases has surpassed that of China.

According to Indian media, the health minister said that within the last 24 hours, quite 3,900 cases of corona are reported in India, and 103 deaths are reported, bringing the overall number of cases to quite 85,900, which is 3,000 quite 82,000 cases in China. Is.

According to Indian media, India is currently ranked 11th within the world in terms of coronavirus cases, while about 30,000 people have recovered from corona within the country to date, which is 35% of the overall cases.

According to the Indian Minister of Health, the price within the country in terms of total cases is 3.2%, which is healthier than 5.5% in China.

According to Indian media, there has been a record increase within the number of cases within the country since the day, where the number of cases was 20,000 on April 23 and reached 70,000 by May 12.

In India, 68 percent of corona cases 
came from 18 cities, with Mumbai,
 Delhi, Ahmedabad, Poona, 
and Chennai 
accounting for 50 percent
 of the country's total cases.

The Indian state of 
Maharashtra is worst stricken by the coronavirus, with about 1,000 cops infected and 10 killed,
 while Mumbai is the wors
t affected state by the virus.

According to Indian media, 425 cases of the corona were reported within the state of recent Delhi on Friday, after which the number of cases in Delhi rose to 8895 while the amount of deaths from corona within the city is 123.

The total number of deaths from coronavirus in India is quite 2700 while in China quite 4 thousand people died from the corona.

It should be noted that after the cases of coronavirus came to light in India, the longest lockdown was implemented within the world, which is now being gradually relaxed.

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