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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nigerian influential chief of staff killed by Corona virus

Nigerian President's Chief of Staff Corona Virus Killed

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According to a foreign news agency, the influential figure of Nigeria and the Nigerian president's chief of staff, Malm Aba Kari, has been killed by the Corona virus, which has also been confirmed by a presidential spokesman.

According to media reports, the statement issued by the office of Nigerian President Mohammed Buhari expressed regret over his death, saying that 70-year-old Aba Kari's visit to Germany in March was positive for Corona's test, which has since led him to isolation. I was kept where he underwent treatment on April 17.

Chief of Staff Malm Abi Kiyari was also treated with other diseases, including diabetes, considered to be the most important and influential partner of Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, who is still the most important figure in the West African country killed by Corona.

It may be noted that about 500 cases of Corona virus have been reported in the African country of Nigeria while 17 have died of the virus.

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