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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blame and guilt articels

                          Blame and guilt

All politicians, democracy. 

They do not get tired of singing the tune of democracy, most of them open their throats and shout for the supremacy of the parliament, most of them talk about the constitution and the law, then I laugh at how these people have fooled the people. 
What's the matter, people are not ready to get out of their clutches?

 It feels like my compatriots are plants growing in a sunflower field. When the sun rises, everyone's face is towards the sun and their whole life is like this, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live. Passes by.

It is a matter of understanding, thinking and reflecting. Democracy is for democracy or for the elite. Look at all the politicians of Pakistan. 99% of politicians will be politicians. They have made democracy, constitution and law domestic slaves.
 Government jobs, loans, plots, ministries. And the resources of the country have been reserved for them.

 The truth is that democracy is for the benefit of this class. These are the people who are doing business in the name of democracy. 

They have set up companies in the name of their brothers, sisters and cousins.

They are made frontmen while profits are coming into their own pockets.

 They have bound the whole society like an octopus.
 Their relationships with the judiciary, bureaucracy, establishment, feudal lords, capitalists and large families of security agencies No matter which party the government belongs to, it doesn't matter who the politician is in the opposition, they need someone close to them in the government, so the elite never stops working, despite being on merit, higher education of ordinary families The winning youth do not get any decent service while the elite matric inter pass,

It is a trivial matter for incompetent children to get comfortable jobs in government and multinational companies, so the common man may not even realize that Pakistani society has been taken hostage. Until the people are liberated from this system of exploitation, nothing will change. 
More and more faces will change. This is the tragedy of this nation. The condition and problems of the people will remain the same. This is what has been happening in Pakistan for half a century. 

Khan talks of creating a new Pakistan or Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is tired of trying to change the system or the Jamaat-e-Islami speaks against corruption but then becomes an ally of those who have taken the whole system hostage.

It is natural for the people to be influenced by their slogans because no one has brought the fruits of democracy to this nation till date. No ruler has done anything to improve the institutions of the country, especially improving the affairs of the police and courts. But it seems that our rulers do not even bother to think about it.

 Despite coming to power three times, if the condition of the people has not changed, then it can be understood that showing green gardens on the occasion of elections, consoling children, making loud promises and claims of politicians. It is a hobby and it is normal to forget promises after coming to power Y.jn politicians believe democracy is the public

They work day and night for service, they don't need any party. We have many examples where some people win as independents against big politicians and party nominees and the losers are left staring. ۔
 Bawa Adam is unique in Pakistani politics.

 The people here have always been considered as sheep and goats. They have been treated like insects. Their basic rights have not been taken care of, problems have not been solved, problems like poverty, unemployment, inflation and load shedding 

The common man is suffocating in the nose. People are selling their kidneys for a living. Someone is forced to sell children sitting on the street. The number of people who commit suicide due to poverty is also in the hundreds.

Despite being highly educated, the unemployed are in the millions.

 The young generation is becoming disillusioned with their future. No ruler thinks of them and needs to do so. The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees equal development opportunities for all.

 But the elites think that development, prosperity, resources are reserved only for them. It is a forbidden tree for ordinary Pakistanis. When will this exploitation of 220 million people end? When will this nation ever make sacrifices in the name of Islam? Eat. Sometimes it was returned in the name of politics, sometimes it was made foolish for rights
Lord, where do your simple-minded servants go?

That Dervish is also good, Sultani is also good

Perhaps that is why we feel like we are the slaves of these politicians. 

These masterpieces of hereditary politics cannot tolerate anyone else against us. No, that's why it seems that my compatriots are plants growing in the sunflower field. When the sun rises, everyone's face is towards the sun and their whole life is like this. Long live, long live, long live. A hook rises from the heart, a wish is fulfilled, a prayer comes to the lips in the heart, a longing is a wish.

This trend must change now. 
The fate of the poor must also change. 
This system. This system. 
This environment must change.
 The fruits of democracy must reach the common man.
 It is not known whether the majority of the people think in the way they try in every election. We vote for the people again. 
The result is sure to be the same as before. 
In a country where political parties become a sect, an even more horrible situation may arise. 

People's grievances, anger, resentment, grievances and complaints. Casey? 
It is an inescapable fact that man has to reap what he sows if we are ignorant, mean-spirited, parrot-eyed and corrupt leaders. If there is a choice, then no one can do anything. 
How can nature have mercy on us?

Happy future, progress and prosperity, peace and tranquility.
 Maybe waking eyes dream of this. 
These conditions.
 We are responsible for the collective ruin, frustration, despair, we do not think about ourselves, we cry, we are destined, day and night debate is our routine, the world where we have contracted to intervene in every matter, our You can't improve the situation of the country, you don't get tired of giving advice to others, this attitude, this way of thinking, this style of life is unique to the Pakistani nation in the world. 
Only time allows. Open the windows of heart and mind. We blame others. 
If you think carefully, the guilt will come out on its own.

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